RFA Oakleaf was a support tanker that sometimes is taken as a component of the Leaf class, but it was really a completely different design. It was the Oktania oil tanker built in 1981 by A.B. Uddevalla shipbuilders of Sweden and was acquired by the Royal Fleet Auxiliary, or RFA, in 1986, which named it Oakleaf. Although its main cargo was diesel and aviation fuel, it was used to carry containers with spare parts and stores for long missions. She participated in several missions to restore peace as well as support ship after natural disasters, but not in war missions. It was the largest ship in service with the RFA with almost 50,000 tons of displacement at full load. It was decommissioned in 2009 and sold for scrapping soon after.

OAKLEAF gallery and more info


Información adicional

Ficha Completa
Country of origin



A.B. Uddevalla shipbuilders, Sweden


Fleet support tanker

Entered service




Displacement, (full load)

49,310 tonnes

Dimensions (length x beam x draught)

173.70 x 32.20 x 11.20 meters


1 × Burmeister and Wain oil engine

Power, (total)

12,000 shp

Shafts - Screws

1 shaft – 1 screw


14 Knots (26 km/h)

Load capacity

29,000 tonnes of diesel, aviation fuel and containers

Machine guns

2 x 7.62mm