MUMA El Goloso museum

The Spanish MUMA or “MUseo de Medios Acorazados del Ejercito de Tierra” (Museum of Armored Vehicles of the Army) is located in “El Goloso”, base of the Guadarrama XII Armored Brigade (BRIAC XII), Madrid, Spain. The collection is made up of many of the vehicles used by BRIAC XII, which have been preserved through the years. Around 1996 a program of public visits began to be able to see the collection, exposed in the open air inside the base, but in 2013 a closed building and several depots were built to house the vehicles in better conditions. Since then it is possible to visit the MUMA, although with certain restrictions as it is inside an active military base. The pictures show all the vehicles, guns and materials on display in the years 1996 and 2014, when I visited it. All pictures taken by me.

MUMA miscellany gallery

MUMA artillery gallery

MUMA  fighting – engineer – logistic vehicles gallery

MUMA  tanks gallery