
MUMA  fighting – engineer – logistic vehicles gallery

Opel BLITZ 20-12 1T Model 1936 light truck: The firsts units arrived to Spain with the German Condor Legion during the Civil War, and in 1943 about 100 units arrived within the BÄR program. This is the most used truck by the Wehrmacht during WWII and one of the most produced models in the world with 1,000,000 units built. Only in 1944, more than 130,000 were made. This vehicle is in perfect running condition and can be seen in motion at open days and military celebrations within the base (image taken in 2014).
Kynos ALJABA 8×8 tank transporter: Heavy transport truck manufactured in Spain used mainly for the transport of heavy vehicles. It had excellent off-road capabilities thanks to its 8×8 drive system. Ten units were built for Spain, (already withdrawn), and seventy-two for the South African Army, which calls it “S.H.E. Cavallo”, and which maintains them in service in different variants of transport, recovery, radar carrier and missile launcher. This vehicle is in perfect running condition and can be seen in motion at open days and military celebrations within the base (image taken in 2014).
M-548 SEM 1I minelayer vehicle: Vehicle manufactured in Spain on a modified M-548G chassis, to which one more running wheel was installed, and on which a SEM 1I mechanical distributor system and a container with 1,250 mines were mounted. 18 vehicles were built and distributed in mechanized and armored units. This vehicle was not part of the museum’s public exhibition in 2014, but currently it is part of it. This vehicle is in perfect running condition and can be seen in motion at open days and military celebrations within the base (image taken in 2014).
CZ 10-25 “ALACRAN” armoured engineers vehicle (AEV): This vehicle is a transformation carried out in Spain on the M-60A1 MBT received in 1992 after the FACE agreements between NATO and the Warsaw Pact. 38 vehicles were made in the period 1997-2000, to which the gun was replaced by a backhoe equipped with an articulated arm to which different tools such as a hydraulic hammer or shears can be mounted. This vehicle was not part of the museum’s public exhibition in 2014, but currently it is part of it, (image taken in 2014).
M-47ER3 armored recovery vehicle (ARV): Vehicle built in Spain on the chassis of the M-47 medium tank. It had a 22-ton capacity crane, a 35-ton winch and a 3.70-meter pusher blade. It could also carry a complete spare engine for the MBTs in service. A total of 22 vehicles were built in 1996. This vehicle was not part of the museum’s public exhibition in 2014, and its current destination is unknown, (image taken in 2014).
M-60VLPT-A1 armored vehicle launched bridge (AVLB): Spain received 7 vehicles directly from the US. These vehicles carried a scissor-type bridge 19.20 meters long that allowed the passage of vehicles of up to 60 tons. This vehicle was not part of the museum’s public exhibition in 2014, and its current destination is unknown, (image taken in 2014).
M-3A1 “CARRIER” armoured half-track: Built in the USA, the first “Carriers” arrived in June 1957 within the Madrid agreements signed in 1953. It marked the beginning of the mechanization of infantry units in Spain, (image taken in 1996).
M-3A1 “CARRIER” armoured half-track: A total of 154 M-3A1s arrived in Spain plus as many half-tracks of the M-4A1, M-5, M-14 and M-16 variants. This vehicle is in perfect running condition and can be seen at open days and military celebrations within the base, (image taken in 2014).
Panhard M-3 VTT “BUFALO” armored personnel carrier (APC): This French vehicle was designed to accompany the AML-60 and AML-90 armored cars. Spain acquired 8 units for the Army and 15 for the Marine Infantry in the mid-1960s. In 1980 they were transferred to the Civil Guard, which kept them in service for a few more years. This vehicle is in perfect running condition and can be seen in motion at open days and military celebrations within the base (image taken in 2014).
UNL-35 light armored car (replica): This light armored car was built by the shipyards of the Levante Naval Union, in Valencia under the supervision of Soviet technicians from February 1937. This vehicle was manufactured on Soviet Zis-5, American Ford 85 and British Fordson truck chassis. About 160 vehicles were manufactured and were very successful. This vehicle is in perfect running condition and can be seen in motion at open days and military celebrations within the base (image taken in 2014).
M8 GREYHOUND / HERCULES light armored car: Although manufactured in the USA in the middle of WWII, the Spanish M-8s were bought from France in 1957. They were immediately sent to the Spanish Protectorate of Morocco due to the actions of armed militias, arriving in the Sahara in January 1958, (image taken in 1996).
M8 GREYHOUND / HERCULES light armored car: A total of twenty-four M-8s arrived to Spain. Unfortunately the vehicles arrived in quite poor condition and were withdrawn in 1966, (image taken in 2014).
Panhard AML-60 LAG-40 light armored car prototype: In 1965 the first AML-60s were received, which were distributed in 11 light armored groups within Cavalry units. These French-made armored cars were armed with a 60mm breech-loading mortar, (image taken in 1996).
Panhard AML-60 LAG-40 light armored car prototype: The AML-60 in the image is a prototype made in Spain and is armed with a 40mm LAG-40 automatic grenade launcher. This vehicle was not manufactured in series and did not enter service, (image taken in 2014).
Panhard AML-90 armored car/tank destroyer: This French vehicle arrived in Spain in 1965 and was integrated into light armored groups together with the AML-60. In total 100 vehicles were received and decommissioned as of 1986, but their turrets were installed on VEC cavalry scout vehicles, (image taken in 2014).
STURMGESCHÜTZ-III Ausf. G assault gun: Within the German-Spanish BÄR program, 10 units were received that formed a battery of assault guns. They arrived in November 1943 at a unit price of 240,000 Reichsmarks, (image taken in 1996).
STURMGESCHÜTZ-III Ausf. G assault gun: In 1954 all Stug-IIIs were decommissioned, some of which were sold to Syria according to some sources. Others dedicated themselves to the realization of various experimental prototypes, although none were ever manufactured or entered service, (image taken in 2014).
PIZARRO prototype 002 IFV: In 1990, the ASCOD (Austrian Spanish Cooperative Development) consortium was formed to develop a new IFV (Infantry Fighting Vehicle). The Spanish vehicle was designated as “Pizarro“, while its Austrian counterpart was designated as “Ulan“. The vehicle in the image is the “Pizarro PT-II“, that is, the second prototype for testing. It was developed in 1993 and differs from the production model in that it had 6 wheels instead of 7, (image taken in 2014).

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