
LION class gallery

The Lion class constituted the First Battlecruiser Squadron within the British Grand Fleet. Their armour weighed 6,200 tons and represented 23 percent of the total displacement.
The eight 343mm guns were mounted on four double turrets, two forward, one aft and one in the central area. This central gun’s location limited the traverse to 120º to each side.
Here we see the HMS Lion as it entered service in 1913. For the first time, the main turrets were installed with the axis of the symmetrical plane, leaving more space in the central area of the ship.
(HMS Lion image). Having all the guns in the same axis, the Lion class had the advantage of being able to fire all of them on both sides of the ship getting a more powerful broadside.
(HMS Lion image). The secondary armament did not have an advantage over the previous battlecruiser classes and the sixteen 101mm guns were placed in casemates.
(HMS Lion ship). The placement of the bow mast always caused problems, because it was very close to the funnels and the combustion smoke sometimes made them useless.
HMS Lion was the Admiral Beatty’s flagship and fought in the Battle of Helgoland Bay in August 1918 against the German “Hochsee Flotte” (High Seas Fleet).
HMS Lion was present in the Battle of Doggerbank in which she suffered serious damage and in the Battle of Jutland where the German Lützow battlecruiser hit her in a turret killing all servers and caused a fire.
HMS Lion was the flagship of the Battleships Force until the end of the WWI, although Admiral Beatty no longer commanded it because he had taken over the British Grand Fleet in 1916.
(HMS Princess Royal ship). The 343mm artillery had only previously been mounted on the Orion class battleships, and were the largest of that period within the Royal Navy.
HMS Princess Royal reached a speed of 28.5 knots in trials, developing 78,600 shp, but in combat missions she was able to reach 30 knots and 100,000 shp.
HMS Princess Royal fought at the Battle of Doggerbank in 1915 and in Jutland in 1916, suffering minor damage in the latter. She was retired in 1922 and scrapped a year later.
(HMS Queen Mary ship). With more than 31,000 tons of displacement, the Lion class was larger and faster than any battleship of the British Fleet in 1913.
HMS Queen Mary took part in the Battle of Heligoland in 1914, but it was in Jutland, in 1916, when she was sunk by the German Derfflinger and Seydlitz battlecruisers. Only 9 people survived.

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