Tekplus CENTAURO (experimental)

Tekplus Centauro is a Spanish light UAV project for both civilian and military surveillance and control missions. The model is a helicopter or UAVROT platform and is capable to load up to 20 kilos of cameras, radars or electro-optics devices. The studies began in 2010 and have been invested around 6 million euros since then. In 2013, two prototypes were delivered to the Spanish Ministry of Defense for evaluation purpouses, under designation C-30 and C-40. The C-30 model was suited to operate from land bases and the C-40 was prepared to operate from ships. Unfortunately it seems that this project has not prospered and the Spanish Armed Forces do not have this model in service, and it is not planned to have them in the future.

CENTAURO UAV gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin



Tekplus Aerospace


Unmanned aerial vehicle


From 2010

Combat weight

85 kg

Overall length

3.60 meters

Main rotor diameter

3.50 meters

Power plant

2 engines


6 hours

Combat radius

75 km

Load capacity

20 kg


1 x C-30 model and 1 x C-40 model prototypes for Spain's Ministry of Defence