T-12 (anti-tank gun)

In the mid-1950s, a new anti-tank gun was introduced to replace the 100 mm M-1944 (BS3) field/anti-tank gun that had entered service during the final phases of WWII. This gun was designated T-12 (2A19) and has a smooth bore barrel, unlike all other guns of the time, as it uses a new type of armour-piercing fin-stabilized sabot (APFSDS) ammunition, much more effective against the tanks. This gun entered service in 1961 and is still in service in several countries including Russia and Ukraine.

T-12 anti-tank gun gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

Soviet Union


Yurga Machine-Building Plant


Anti-tank gun

Entered service



6 servers

Combat weight

2,750 kg

Dimensions (length x width x height)

9.48 x 1.79 x 1.56 meters


1 x 100/63mm smoothbore gun

Rate of fire, (maximum)

10 rounds per minute

Shell weight

APFSDS-T 3BM2: 19.34 kg – APFSDS 3BM23/3UBM10: 19.90 kg
Guided (missile) 9K117 Kastet (3UBK10/3UBK10M): 24.50 kg
HEAT 3BK16M/3UBK8: 23.10 kg – HE frag 3OF12/3OF35: 28.90 kg

Shell range

APFSDS-T 3BM2: 3,000 meters – APFSDS 3BM23/3UBM10: 3,000 meters
Guided (missile) 9K117 Kastet (3UBK10/3UBK10M): 5,000meters
HEAT 3BK16M/3UBK8: 1,000 meters – HE frag 3OF12/3OF35: 8,200 meters

Muzzle velocity

APFSDS-T 3BM2: 1,575 m/s – APFSDS 3BM23/3UBM10: 1,548 m/s
Guided (missile) 9K117 Kastet (3UBK10/3UBK10M): 300 m/s
HEAT 3BK16M/3UBK8: 975m/s – HE frag 3OF12/3OF35: 700m/s

Warhead, (explosive charge)

APFSDS-T 3BM2: 5.65 kg – APFSDS 3BM23/3UBM10: 9.50 kg
Guided (missile) 9K117 Kastet (3UBK10/3UBK10M): 17.60 kg
HEAT 3BK46M/3UBK8: 9.50 kg – HE frag 3OF12/3OF35: 16.70 kg


About 4,000 (T-12 & MT-12 Rapira)