S-23 180mm field gun

At the beginning of the 1950s, the Soviet Army wanted to equip itself with a family of large caliber long-range guns. Although several models of 180, 203, 210 and 280mm were designed, only the 180mm piece would go into service. In 1955 a huge 180mm towed gun was seen for the first time with designation “180 mm gun S-23“, which raised expectation and concern in Western media, which at first and for almost 20 years took it for a 203mm caliber gun.

S-23 field gun gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

Soviet Union


Barrikady Arsenal


Field gun

Entered service



16 servers

Combat weight

21,450 kg

Dimensions (length x width x height)

Travel position: 10.48 x 2.99 x 2.69 meters


1 x 180/49mm gun

Rate of fire, (maximum)

1 shell per minute

Shell weight

HE F.572: 84 kg – Concrete-piercing G.572: 97.57 kg

Shell range

Ordinary shells: 30.40 km – Rocket assisted projectiles (RAP): 43.80 km

Muzzle velocity

HE F-572: 865 m/s – Concrete piercing G-572: 805 m/s


Several hundreds