The Russian Falcons aerobatics team was born in 2004 and they are located in Lipetsk AFB, near the city of Lipetsk, Oblast, Russia. Their name is not official because they are not considered a unit in itself as occurs with other Russian aerobatics teams. They belong to the Russian Air Force, specifically to the 4th Centre for Combat Employment and Retraining of Personnel, where the best Russian pilots are trained. And that is their mission, to show the evolution and capabilities of the new fighters used with the Russian Air Force. Their demonstrations are made by 5 aircrafts and are usually carried out with little public in events held in the Lipetsk AFB, as they are not “ambassadors” of the Air Force in international shows such the Russian Knights or Swifts aerobatics teams. The Russian Falcons started flying with the single-seat SU-27 Flanker painted in a blue scheme with the Russian flag after the cockpit, but over the years they have used other models like the SU-27UB two-seat fighter or the SU-34 bomber, used between 2008 and 2013. Since 2014 they are using the SU-30SM, SU-35S and the latest version of MiG-29 fighters in a new blue scheme to carry out their shows.

RUSSIAN FALCONS gallery and more info


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