Pz Kpfw VI ausf E “TIGER”

At the end of October 1942, the Henschel VK 45.01 (H) was declared the winner of the competition to produce the Tiger heavy tank, and production began immediately afterwards. The first order was for 100 vehicles which would soon be increased to 300 and shortly thereafter to 390 to take advantage of the turrets already in production for the Porsche VK 45.01 (P). Subsequently, the contracts were expanded to reach the total number of 1,346 Tiger E tanks produced in an uninterrupted series numbered as “Fahrgestell 250001 to 251346”. Despite not having been manufactured in extraordinary quantities like the Soviet T-34 or the American Sherman tanks, the Tiger became a legend instantly upon its arrival in 1942, because at that time it was impossible to any Allied tank to destroy them except at very short distances. There were occasions that if any Allied Unit knew that a Tiger tank was in the area of ​​operations, it was enough for the advance to stop while waiting for reinforcements to have an overwhelming majority. On the other hand, the morale of the German troops rose instantly as soon as a Unit with Tiger tanks in their ranks arrived in the area.

TIGER gallery 1 and more info

TIGER gallery 2 and more info

TIGER gallery 3 and more info

TIGER gallery 4 and more info

TIGER gallery 5 and more info


Información adicional

Ficha Completa
Country of origin





Heavy tank

Entered service




Combat weight

57,800 kg

Dimensions (length x width x height)

8.45 x 3.70 x 2.93 meters

Armour, (maximum)

Steel: Hull front: 100mm – Hull side: 60mm – Superstruture side: 80mm – Hull rear: 80mm – Hull floor: 25mm
Steel: Turret front: 100mm – Turret side: 80mm – Turret Rear: 80mm – Turret Roof: 25mm (later 40mm)

Power plant

1 x Maybach HL.210 P45 V12 gasoline engine, 650 hp (in the first 250 vehicles)
1 x Maybach HL.230 P45 V12 gasoline engine, 700 hp (from vehicle 251 onwards)


45 km/h


195 km


1 x 88mm KwK36 L/56 gun + 2 x 7.92mm MG-34 + 1 x 9mm MP-40 submachine gun


92 x 88mm rounds + 4,800 x 7.92mm rounds

