In 1947, the French Air Minister created the “Escadrille de Présentation de l’Armée de l’Air”, (Air Force Presentation Squadron), and as a result of this creation, other units that performed aerial displays appeared. The name “Patrouille de France” arose during a show held in Algiers on May 17, 1953, when the speaker gave this name to the four F-84G Thunderjet formation from the 3rd Escadre, (commanded by Commander Pierre Delachenal) , that were going to fly. However, the name was officially granted on September 14, 1953, and until 1963 four different squadrons flew under this name. At the beginning of 1964 the Patrol was dissolved due to lack of funds, but in February the Minister of the Armies decided that the “Patrouille de l’École de l’Air”, (Air School’s Patrol), would be renamed as Patrouille de France to keep the patrol alive. Exhibitions are carried out by 8 aircrafts and every year, three new pilots are added to the team. The pilots use the radio code “Athos” with numerals 1 to 9, number 1 for the leader and 9 for the reserve pilot. Patrouille de France currently operates 12 Alphajet aircraft that are in charge of a team of around 40 mechanics.