Northrop F-20 TIGERSHARK

In 1980, the United States Government began a program to carry out a fighter aircraft for the export market. The program was baptized as “FX” and was focused on equipping Taiwan Air Force with a new aircraft, modern but not installed with the newest USAF technology. There were two contenders, General Dynamics with the F-16/79 fighter and Northrop with the F-5G fighter. In 1982 Northrop requested the change of the F-5G designation for the new F-20, so that its aircraft would abandon the label of being “the FX fighter” and be able to compete in the international market with all the options, and not as a low-cost fighter, which was intended with the FX program. Thus was born the F-20 Tigershark.

F-20 TIGERSHARK gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

United States


Northrop Corporation


Multirole fighter


Developed from 1980 to 1986



Combat weight

12,475 kg

Dimensions (length x wingspan x height)

14.17 x 8.13 x 4.22 meters

Wing area

17.28 m2

Power plant

1 x General Electric F404.GE.100 turbojet engine, 49 kN (26,166 hp) dry or 79 kN (42,186 hp) with afterburner


Max. Mach 1.71 (2,100 km/h)

Ceiling, (maximum)

17,300 meters


Max. ferry range: 3,700 km

Combat radius

Air superiority mission: 590 km – Combat air patrol: 560 km – Close air support: 280 km


2 x M-39 20mm guns in the nose and 7 hardpoints for 3,770 kg of ordnance


280 x 20mm rounds each gun

Guns, (external pods)

Type: 30mm GPU-5/A


Unguided type: Mk.82 – Mk.83 – Cluster type: CBU-24 – CBU-49 – CBU-52 – CBU-58


Type: 68mm SNEB – 70mm CRV7 – 127mm ZUNI

Air-to-air missiles

Type: AIM-9 Sidewinder – AIM-7 Sparrow

Air-to-surface missiles

Type: AGM-65 Maverick – AGM-62 Walleye

Anti-ship missiles

Type: AGM-84 Harpoon


3 prototypes