Mk.46 torpedo

In 1960 the US Navy began the development of a new lightweight antisubmarine torpedo to replace the Mk.44 type. The new Mk.46 would be a torpedo with an active/passive acoustic homing guide system that should have twice the range of the previous one, have much more speed and could reach targets at much greater depth. Finally in 1963 the first batch of Mk.46 Mod.0 was delivered with all the expectations covered. The Mk.46 Mod.1 of 1967 carried a new Otto fueled thermo-chemical cam engine instead of the solid-fuel engine of Mod.0, wich had given problems with its maintenance tasks. Mk.46 torpedo family can be launched from ships, aircrafts and helicopters, and thanks to their enormous operational depth, they can hunt practically any submarine in service. The most updated version is the Mk.46 Mod.5, appeared in 1980, and can be said to have become the standard lightweight torpedo of the NATO and allied countries of the United States.

Mk.46 torpedo gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

United States


Aerojet- Honeywell – Naval Ordnance Station Forest Park – Raytheon


Anti-submarine torpedo

Entered service


Combat weight

230 kg

Dimensions (length x width x height)

2.59 x 0.324 meters

Power plant

1 two speed, reciprocating external combustion engine


40 Knots (74 km/h)


11 km

Guidance system

Active or passive/active acoustic homing

Warhead, (explosive charge)

Weight: 43 kg – Explosive: PBXN-103 – Type: HE