
The IAR-330L utility helicopter is the Romanian under license version of the successful  French Aérospatiale SA-330 Puma. Romania bought the license to Aerospatiale in 1974, in the middle of the Cold War, even though it was an active Warsaw Pact’s member, something really surprising. Production was launched shortly thereafter, and in October 1975 the first Romanian helicopter was already in the air. The first deliveries were made in 1977 with designation IAR-330L. Since then, more than 100 units have been delivered to Romanian Navy and Romanian Air Force, and more than 50 examples have been exported to countries such as Ecuador, Pakistan or the United Arab Emirates. Five versions have been developed, among them, the attack model IAR-330L SOCAT, and another special one for naval missions designated as IAR-330 NAVAL.

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Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin



IAR (Industria Aeronautica Romana)


Utility helicopter

Entered service



1 to 3

Combat weight

7,400 kg

Overall length

18.15 meters

Fuselage length

14.06 meters

Main rotor diameter

15.00 meters

Power plant

2 x Turbomecanica (Romania) Turmo IVC turboshaft engines, 1,575 hp each

Power, (total)

3,150 hp


Max. 294 km/h – Cruise 271 km/h

Climb rate

552 meters per minute

Ceiling, (maximum)

6,000 meters


570 km

Load capacity

16 soldiers or 1 ton load


1 x 20mm Nexter THL-20 fixed gun (SOCAT version), rockets, missiles and bombs

Machine guns

Type: GMP.2, 7.62mm

Guns, (external pods)

Type: NR-23, 23mm


Type: 57mm LPR-57

Air-to-surface missiles

Type: AT-3 "Sagger" ATGW – Spike ER ATGW
