GAZ GT-T series

At the beginning of the 60s, the Red Army developed a vehicle specially prepared for operations on difficult terrain for the Northern territories, where the weather conditions are extremely hard. The GAZ factory produced the first GT-T in 1962, a highly mobile vehicle thanks to their wide tracks that can travel through deep snow, swampy and highly muddy terrains. They can transport up to 20 soldiers and tow loads up to 4 tons of weight. The GT-T tracked carrier can be amphibious with some preparation, something indispensable in the areas where they are deployed.. There were different variants such as field kitchen, maintenance vehicle, workshop and NBC decontamination vehicle. Currently, some vehicles remains in service with rear units but most have been retired. There are some civilian variants, especially useful in land of the Siberian taiga.

Gaz GT-T gallery and more info


Información adicional

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

Soviet Union




Tracked carrier

Entered service



4 crew members + 20 passengers

Combat weight

10,200 kg at full load

Dimensions (length x width x height)

6.34 x 3.14 x 2.15 meters

Power plant

1 x GAZ V.6A diesel engine, 240 hp


45 km/h on land – 6 km/h on water


500 km

Load capacity

2,000 kg – 4,000 kg towed