FH-70 155mm field howitzer

At the end of the 60s, Germany and the UK signed an agreement to develop a towed howitzer according to NATO requirements for close support artillery, thus the FH-70 was born. Six prototypes were manufactured in the period 1969-70, and then, Italy joined the project that was thus completed. Between 1971 and 1973, eight more howitzers were manufactured and the first experimental battery was assembled in 1975. A total of 19 FH-70 prototypes were manufactured, and the piece was accepted for service in 1976, entering service two years later. Each of the three countries divided the workload, with Germany being responsible for the barrel, the loading system, the auxiliary engine, (APU), and the aiming equipment. The UK was in charge of the gun carriage and the directional aiming mechanism, and Italy was in charge of the cradle, the recovery system, elevation aiming mechanism and part of the optics. Japan has built a licensed version that continues in service, and the FH-70 has been exported to almost a dozen countries around the World.

FH-70 gallery and more info


Información adicional

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

Germany, UK and Italy


Rheinmetall, Vickers & OTO Melara


Field howitzer

Entered service




Combat weight

9,300 kg

Dimensions (length x width x height)

9.80 x 2.20 x 2.50 meters (in travel position)

Power plant

1 x Volkswagen 4-cylinder, 1,700cc, 70 hp diesel engine (APU unit)


16 km/h


1 x 155/39mm Rheinmetall howitzer

Rate of fire, (maximum)

12 shells per minute

Shell weight

HEHC: 43.50 kg

Shell range

24.70 km

Muzzle velocity

827 m/s

Warhead, (explosive charge)

Weight: 11.30 kg – Type: HE


+ 1,000