
In 1935, the BT-7 fast tank emerged, it was the maximum development of the BT tank series. It was armed with a 45mm gun similar to previous models, but the engine was replaced by the much more powerful aviation type M.17T Liberty. The first BT-7 version mounted the same turret as the previous BT-5, but from 1938 they mounted the T-26S tank turret and the armor was reinforced. When the USSR was attacked by Germany, the BT-7 was one of the most numerous tanks in the Red Army and even its gun was much superior to that of the German tanks, they suffered numerous losses when not were used with the appropriate tactics. Around 2,000 BT-7 were lost in the first year of fightings, reducing their number considerably. They ended the war fighting against the Japanese Army in Manchuria, in the operations of 1945.

BT-7 gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

Soviet Union


Kharkhiv Lokomotiv Factory (KhPZ)


Light tank

Entered service




Combat weight

13,800 kg

Dimensions (length x width x height)

5.66 x 2.29 x 2.42 meters

Armour, (maximum)

Steel: Hull front: 22mm – Hull side: 13mm – Hull rear: 13mm – Hull floor: 10mm
Steel: Turret front: 13mm – Turret side: 13mm – Turret rear: 13mm – Turret roof: 10mm

Power plant

1 x M.17T Liberty gasoline engine, 450 hp


73 km/h


430 km


1 x 45mm gun + 2 x 7.62mm DT MG


172 x 45mm rounds + 2,394 x 7.62mm rounds


About 5,000 of all variants