Boeing Vertol UH-46 / CH-46 SEA KNIGHT

In April 1958, the Vertol, (former Piasecki), Model 107 helicopter made its maiden flight. This new model came to replace the H-21 “Flying Banana”, famous for being one of the first helicopters with double rotor arranged in tandem. The Model 107 used new turboshaft engines instead of piston engines, which gave the helicopter better capabilities and performances. The US Army showed interest in this model, but finally did not choose it and then it was the US Marine Corps which organized a contest in 1960 to find a substitute for their UH-34 Choctaw helicopters. The Boeing Vertol Model 107M was the winner and would go into production under designation HRB-1, although in 1962 it was redesignated as CH-46A Sea Knight, name with which it would be known worldwide. The US Navy also acquired 14 examples for vertical replenishment under designation UH-46A. Between 1962 and 1971, a total of 600 Sea Knight from the A, D and F variants were built for the Marines and 24 UH-46A and D for the US Navy. Later, some 275 CH-46 were updated to E variant with upgraded engines and modern avionics among other improvements. The US Marines withdrew their CH-46s in October 2014 although they maintained some examples until April 2015 in training tasks, but on August 1, 2015, they were officially withdrawn, after more than 50 years of hard work around the World.

UH-46 / CH-46 SEA KNIGHT gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

United States


Boeing – Vertol


Transport helicopter

Entered service




Combat weight

UH-46: 9,706 kg – CH-46E: 11,022 kg

Overall length

25.40 meters

Fuselage length

13.66 meters

Main rotor diameter

15.24 meters

Power plant

CH-46E: 2 x General Electric T58.GE.16 turboshaft, 1,870 hp each
UH-46: 2 x General Electric T58.GE.8B turboshaft, 1,250 hp each

Power, (total)

UH-46: 2,500 hp – CH-46E: 3,740 hp


CH-46E: max. 267 km/h – cruise 265 km/h
UH-46: max. 256 km/h – cruise 249 km/h

Climb rate

UH-46: 439 meters per minute – CH-46E: 523 meters per minute

Ceiling, (maximum)

UH-46: 4,265 meters – CH-46E: 5,200 meters


CH-46E: 1,020 km with load of 1,088 kg – max. ferry range: 1,112 km
UH-46: 426 km with maximum internal load – 370 km with maximum external load

Load capacity

CH-46E: 25 troops or 15 strechers – 3,200 kg internal payload or 4,500 kg external payload
UH-46: 17 troops or 15 stretchers – 1,800 kg internal payload or 2,870 kg external payload


3 x 12.7 or 7.62mm machine guns (optional)


Total including export & under licence variants: 823 (UH-46: 24 – CH-46: 600 of all variants)