Berliet T-12 (prototype)
In 1947, the Berliet company began the studies for an all-terrain tank transporter and an off-road artillery tractor for the French army. The army needed a vehicle with a load capacity of 50 tons. The reason for this request was the future entry into service of a new tank model with that combat weight. In 1952, Berliet presented two prototypes of the “T.12 8×8“, or “Tracteur 12 tonnes 8×8”, which were subjected to a multitude of tests and trials by the company. Unfortunately in 1954 the artillery tractor version was considered unnecessary by the French army, leaving only the tank transporter model under developement. Finally, the tank transporter version would not come into service and only served as a design experience for the next Berliet tank transporter model, the T.12 nº 2.
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