Bell UH-1 A/B/C/E/F Iroquois “HUEY” (model 204)

In 1952 began the career of what would later be the best known helicopter in the world, the Bell UH-1 Iroquois (Bell model 204/205), known worldwide as “Huey“. At that time, the US Army issued a requirement for the development of a powerful, reliable, medium-sized helicopter that was easy to maintain, quite the opposite of what most helicopters in service offered at that time. Initially, the helicopter would be used mainly in medical evacuation (medevac), general utility and training missions. About 20 companies applied for the contract, which was finally awarded to Bell Helicopter in February 1955.

UH-1 A/B/C/E/F HUEY (model 204) gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

United States


Bell Helicopter Textron


Utility helicopter

Entered service



1 or 2

Combat weight

4,309 kg

Overall length

16.15 meters

Fuselage length

12.77 meters

Main rotor diameter

13.41 meters

Power plant

UH-1A: 1 x Lycoming T53.L.1 turboshaft engine, 770 shp
UH-1B: 1 x Lycoming T53.L.5 turboshaft engine, 960 shp
UH-1C: 1 x Lycoming T53.L.11 turboshaft engine, 1,100 shp


Max. 220 km/h – Cruise 204 km/h

Climb rate

488 meters per minute

Ceiling, (maximum)

UH-1C: 3,505 meters – UH-1E: 6,400 meters


UH-1C: max. 615 km – UH-1E: max. 480 km

Load capacity

UH-1B: 8 passengers


Wide variety of 12.7 & 7.62mm MGs, 70mm rocket pods, 40mm grenade launchers, ATGWs, torpedoes and depth charges among others


About 2,450 of A/B/C/E & F variants