AMUR class

The Project 304 or Amur I, II, III and IV repair and depot ship classes are fitted to perform urgent repairs on the high seas. The Amur I class were built between 1968 and 1973 in the Szczecin shipyards of Poland, and consisted of 13 ships. The second, third and fourth series of the Amur class have been built in the same shipyards from 1973 to 1987 and they are composed by 5 vessels each. They carry two 5 tons capacity cranes and have a spare parts store. Currently, the Russian Navy has 18 ships of the four types in service, and one ship, the PM-09, was transferred to the Ukrainian Navy in 2001 and renamed U-500 Donbass, being since 2012 a rescue ship.

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Información adicional

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

Soviet Union


Szczecin shipyard, Poland


Repair ship

Entered service




Displacement, (full load)

From 5,535 to 6,660 tones

Dimensions (length x beam x draught)

121.70 x 17.00 x 4.71 (max.) meters


1 x Zgoda-Sulzer 8TAD-48 diesel engine

Shafts - Screws

1 shaft – 1 screw


14 Knots (26 km/h)


Amur I: 6,970 n. miles (12,894 km) at 10 knots
Amur II: 9,000 n. miles (16,650 km) at 10 knots
Amur IV: 9,000 n. miles (16,650 km) at 11 knots


2 x 25mm twin guns


Amur I: 13 ships
Amur II: 5 ships
Amur III: 5 ships
Amur IV: 5 ships