The AARDVARK JSFU Mk.4 is a mine cleraing vehicle, or MCV, designed specifically for this task. It can be said that it is the culmination of the famous Hobart’s Funnies of WWII for the minefield cleaning. It is a fully protected vehicle with a cabin armoured with 56mm thick protection glass and a polycarbonate lined interior. The floor of the vehicle has a shield formed by two plates, the lower being at an angle to properly deflect the blast wave of detonated mines. The mine cleaning system is a “flail” type device, and consists in a rotor with 72 chains with tips that rotate at 300 rpm hitting the ground. It is valid for all types of mines, anti-tank, anti personnel, cable activated or mine traps. It is an ideal vehicle for pacification or interposition missions carried out by the U.N.forces after armed conflicts.