

Almost 400 Mungos have been handed over to the German Army since 2005, most of the “Group Vehicle” variant. In 2007 they went into action when they were sent to Afghanistan under the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), run by NATO. Soon it became clear that they were not conditioned for such extreme conditions and were withdrawn, but after a series of improvements, they returned to Afghanistan in 2008.
The Mungo Group Vehicle has been built on the chassis of a Multicar M-30 FUMO 4×4 commercial light truck. An armoured cabin as well as armoured sides has been installed to provide some protection to the carried soldiers. However, the lack of an armoured roof is one of the biggest handicaps, though this vehicle is not designed for combat actions in the first line.
Mungo Group Vehicle can carry up to ten equipped soldiers and can be armed with a 5.56 or 7.62mm light machine gun. They can be transported by CH-53 Sea Stallion or CH-47 Chinook type helicopters thanks to their empty weight of only 3.45 tons. Medium transport aircraft such as the C-160, C-130 or A-400M can carry up to three Mungo in their cargo bay.
This is the Mungo Large Capacity variant, a model much more capable and prepared for more dangerous missions such as the escort of convoys or protection of strategic targets. The internal capacity has been increased to 8 cubic meters and the empty weight reaches 5 tons, also has a more powerful 145hp diesel engine.
Despite having increased its weight, the Mungo Large Capacity remains airborne by heavy helicopters and versions have been developed for specific tasks such as field ambulance, command and communications and N/C reconnaissance. It can carry 5.56 or 7.62mm light machine guns or the KMW FLW-100 remote controlled light weapons station.
This is the Mungo Multipurpose Vehicle variant, a specific version to transport loads with a maximum weight of 1,500kg. It has a universal hydraulic transport system capable of lifting ammunition or spare parts containers, or also NBC decontamination kits. The cabin and chassis are armoured to resist damage caused by mines.
Mungo Multipurpose Vehicle has the same weights and dimensions as the “Large Capacity” version, making it airborne. The truck can also tow light trailers, significantly increasing its load capacity. In this picture you can see the small dimensions of the vehicle comparing them with the operator of the hydraulic system.
This is the Mungo N/C Reconnaissance variant in which the truck has a closed and fully armoured cabin, although weights are the same as those of the light Group Vehicle variant. The vehicle has a light detection kit for nuclear or chemical agents, and can also be used to detect hazardous industrial materials.
Mungo N/C Reconnaissance variant carries 3 crew members who can perform pollution detection tasks without having to leave the vehicle. It also carries several portable equipment and markers for contaminated areas. The vehicle is airborne like the other variants and can be armed with light machine guns.

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