Although derived from the Do-27, this plane had a shorter and wider fuselage, with small embryonic wings that support the two engines. The wheels of the landing gear were streamlined to improve aerodynamics. This Dornier Do-28A1 belongs to the Cuatro Vientos Aeronautic Museum’s collection, Madrid, Spain.This aircraft is the same as the previous one, but this time it was assigned to No. 604 Sqn. based on Gando AFB, Gran Canaria. It was used for general transport missions and for evaluation of radio aids and air navigation systems.The last destination of the Spanish Air Force’s Do-28A1 was the No. 407 Sqn. based in the military airfield of Tablada, Seville. They had a gray color scheme with a huge St Andrew’s Cross, characteristic of Spanish military aircrafts.
(Akv-151 prototype image). It all started in 1949 when the Kungliga Arméförvaltningen (KAF), (Royal Swedish Army Material Administration) requested a new...