During Afganistan War, the Soviet forces took note of the damage caused by the minefields and developed specific vehicles to enable safe paths to their own forces. The BMR-3 / 3M / 3MA mine clearing vehicles uses the T-72A, T-72S and T-90 main battle tank chassis respectively. In all these vehicles the turrets were removed and a superstructure has been built in its place. In the front of the vehicle, a KMT-7 mine sweeping set, composed by rollers and rakes, has been installed. The mine clearing equipment is completed with an electromagnetic jammer, which is effective against radio-command activated mines. These devices allow the deactivation and elimination of antipersonnel and anti-tank mines at a speed up to 12 km/h, enabling a safe path of almost 4 meters in width.

BMR-3M / MA gallery and more info


Información adicional

Ficha Completa
Country of origin



Mine clearing vehicle

Entered service



2 crew members + 3 passengers

Combat weight

51,000 kg

Dimensions (length x width x height)

6.92 x 3.81 x 2.96 meters

Power plant

1 x V.84MS diesel engine, 840 hp


50 km/h


500 km


1 x 12.7mm MG