TROMP class

The Dutch Navy was in charge of the control of part of the East Atlantic within the naval forces (EASTLANT) of NATO, and for this it contributed with three anti-submarine task groups composed by frigates and support ships. In 1966 it was decided to develop two frigates to replace the De Ruyter and De Zeven Provincien gun cruisers, and this is how the Tromp class emerged. Although they are designated as “frigates” and carry the letter “F” in their numeral, in reality they were rather destroyers according to NATO classification. The class consisted of the F-801 Tromp and F-806 De Ruyter ships that served as flagships in two of the three antisubmarine squadrons established by the Dutch Navy 1974 Fleet Plan. Both vessels served until 1999 and 2001 respectively.

TROMP class gallery and more info

Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin



Koninklijke Maatschappij De Schelde, Vlissingen


Guided missile destroyer

Entered service




Displacement, (full load)

4,308 tonnes

Dimensions (length x beam x draught)

138.40 x 14.80 x 6.60 meters


2 x Rolls Royce Olympus TM3B gas turbines, 22,000 shp each + 2 x Rolls Royce Tyne RM1A gas turbines, 4,100 shp each

Power, (total)

44,000 shp + 8,200 shp

Shafts - Screws

2 shafts – 2 screws


28 Knots (52 km/h)


5,000 n. miles (9,250 km) at 18 knots


1 x WG-13 Lynx ASW


1 x 30mm seven barreled CIWS Goalkeeper (only in F-806)
2 x 120mm Bofors dual purpose guns in a twin turret


6 x 324mm torpedo tubes in triple Mk.32 assemblies (with Mk.46 ASW torpedoes)

SAM launcher

1 x Standard Mk.13 launcher for SM-1 MR missiles with 40 missiles + 1 x 8-cell Mk.29 launcher for Sea Sparrow missiles with 16 missiles

SSM launcher

2 x 4-cells Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers


2 ships: De Ruyter – Tromp