Shenyang J-11 “FLANKER L”

In the mid-90s China and Russia signed a trade agreement whereby China would manufacture 200 Sukhoi Su-27SK air superiority fighters that Russia would deliver in kits. In 1998, the Chinese Shenyang Aircraft Corporation began the production of Shenyang J-11A or “Flanker-L“, according to NATO designation. The J-11A is a fourth generation fighter with capabilities similar to modern Russian and Western fighters. This model was a milestone for the People’s Liberation Air Force (PLAF), which surprisingly decided to stop production in 2004 after receiving only 100 units. The reason given for this decision was that Russian’s avionics and radar were only suitable for air superiority role, and China wished to have a multirole fighter. Because of this, in 2002 China had secretly started the development of an indigenous improved variant. The new aircraft was designated as J-11B and had a new radar, new armament and new avionics, and was able to perform anti-ship and ground attack missions. This new model was officially confirmed in 2007 when a J-11 with Chinese WS-10A engines could be seen. However, due to numerous problems with engine integration, it was not until 2009 that J-11B block 02 was finally operational.

Shenyang J-11 gallery and more info

Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin



Shenyang Aircraft Corporation


Fighter bomber aircraft

Entered service



J-11A/B/BH: 1 – J-11BS/BSH: 2

Combat weight

J-11 A/B/BH: 30,450 kg – J-11 BS/BSH: 33,000 kg

Dimensions (length x wingspan x height)

J-11 A/B/BH: 21.90 x 14.70 x 5.92 meters – J-11 BS/BSH: 21.90 x 14.70 x 6.30 meters

Wing area

62.04 m2

Power plant

J-11A: 2 x Lyulka AL-31F turbofans, 75.22 kN dry or 122.60 kN with afterburner (each)
J-11B/BH/BS/BSH: 2 x Woshan WS.10A Taihang turbofans, 89.17 kN dry or 132 kN with afterburner (each)

Power, (total)

J-11A: 150.44 kN (80,334 hp) dry or 245.20 kN (130,936 hp) afterburner
J-11B/BH/BS/BSH: 178.34 kN ( 95,233 hp) dry or 264 kN (140,976 hp) afterburner


Max. Mach 2.35 (2,878 km/h)

Climb rate

18,300 meters per minute

Ceiling, (maximum)

19,000 meters


3,530 km

Combat radius

1,500 km


J-11A: 1 x 30mm Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30.1 gun and 10 hardpoints
J-11B/BH/BS/BSH: 1 x 30mm gun with 150 rounds and 10 hardpoints for 4,400 kg of ordnance


Type: 250 kg Laser guided bombs – 250 kg Low drag general purpose – Cluster bombs


Type: 90mm rocket pods

Air-to-air missiles

J-11A: PL-8 – PL-9 – PL-12 – AA-10 "Alamo" – AA-11 "Archer" – AA-12 "Adder"
J-11B/BH/BS/BSH: PL-8 – PL-9 – PL-12

Cruise missiles

J-11B/BH/BS/BSH: YJ-83K anti ship cruise missile


J-11A/B/BS: 205 – J-11BH: 72 (2017 data)