In 1980, work began on equipping the Mil Mi-24 Hind helicopter with a complement for some missions, which after a while would replace it completely. In November 1982 the new Mil Mi-28 Havoc, (according to NATO designation), made its maiden flight, beginning a slow development stage, perhaps because in 1984 the Soviet Air Force selected the Kamov Ka-50 Hokum as the future anti-tank helicopter. Six prototypes were built up to the year 2004, the experimental ones 012 (1982) and 022 (1983), those of Mi-28A preseries 032 (1988) and 042 (1991) and two all-weather day and night variant, known as Mi-28N, the 014 (1996) and 024 (2004) prototypes. In December 1987 production was approved, although in a limited way, and currently there are around 100 Mi-28N in service. The Havoc has 4 underwings hardpoints with a load capacity of 480 kg each, in which it carries a wide variety of missiles and rockets. In 1993 the Mi-28A program was canceled because the helicopter did not have all-weather combat capability, but the development of a new version called Mi-28N was started, much more modern and with all-weather capability. This version has a radar installed above the main rotor and a sophisticated aiming system, TV and a FLIR under the nose. Finally in June 2006 the Russian Air Force received the first Mi-28N of an order of about 190 units, destined to replace the aged fleet of Mi-24 Hind.