In 1956 the Societé Industrielle d’Aviation Latécoére began the development of a medium-range anti-submarine weapon. In 1959, more than 20 shooting tests were carried out, and until 1965, another 20 were completed.. Finally in 1965 the final operational tests took place and in 1966 the missile entered service. The Malafon, as the missile was designated, is an L4 acoustic torpedo  fitted in a kind of glider that takes it to the vicinity of its target, then, the glider releases the torpedo and a parachute is opened and directs the torpedo into the water to follow the submarine and hit it. Although the weapon was designed for antisubmarine missions, it could be launched against surface targets if necessary. The Malafon was installed on 11 ships of the Marine Nationale and was decommissioned in 1997.

MALAFON gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin



Societé Industrielle d'Aviation Latécoére


Anti-submarine missile

Entered service


Missile/bomb dimensions, (length x diameter)

5.85 x 0.65 meters

Missile/bomb weight

1,330 kg

Missile speed

828 km/h

Missile range

13 km

Guidance system

Missile: radio control – Torpedo: acoustic

Warhead, (explosive charge)

Weight: 150 kg – Explosive: HBX.3 (L.4 torpedo)


11 launchers + 143 missiles