In the last years of the 80s Pakistan saw the need to manufacture its own missiles to counteract the advances of India in the same matter. In 1990 Pakistan made an exchange of technology with the North Korean authorities to get Rodong-1 missiles in exchange for the methodology for uranium enrichment. This agreement is kept secret for obvious reasons, but certain leaks take it for granted. The objective for Pakistan was to obtain a missile capable of carrying a 700kg nuclear warhead to 1,500 km away, in order to have almost any territory of India within range of the missile. New electronics, a liquid fuel system and new engines were developed and the first Ghauri-I MRBM firing test was performed in 1998. Since then, at least 5 successful launches have been known until 2015, according to Pakistani authorities. An improved version called Ghauri-II with a range of 1,800 km has been developed, but the exact number of units in service is unknown, probably about 30 of the two variants.

GHAURI I gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin



Kahuta Research Laboratories


Medium-range ballistic missile

Entered service


Missile/bomb dimensions, (length x diameter)

15.90 x 1.35 meters

Missile/bomb weight

15,850 kg

Missile range

1,500 km

Guidance system


Warhead, (explosive charge)

Weight: 700 kg – Type: HE conventional or Nuclear (250 kg)

Yield, (maximum)

15 to 20 Kilotons

C.E.P., (circular error probability)

200 meters


Ghauri I & II: 30 in service in 2018