Breda BA-65 “NIBBIO”

The Breda BA.65 Nibbio was developed to fulfill a varied number of missions such as fighter aircraft, ground attack and reconnaissance, although it was highlighted as a fighter-bomber. They were part of the “Aviazione Legionaria” sent to the Spanish Civil War in support of the Nationalist forces. The 23 Breda Nibbio sent, made more than 1,900 combat exits, including almost 400 ground attack and almost 60 dive bombings missions, and took part on the famous and decisive Teruel and Ebro battles. More than 50 units were exported to several countries and the Italians aircrafts participated in the beginning of WWII in North Africa. They arrived that area in the middle of 1940, but in just 9 months, the 150 aircraft sent, were almost completely destroyed in fightings against British aircrafts.

BA.65 NIBBIO gallery and more info

Información adicional

Ficha Completa
Country of origin





Fighter bomber aircraft

Entered service




Combat weight

2,950 kg

Dimensions (length x wingspan x height)

9.30 x 12.10 x 2.80 meters

Wing area

23.50 m2

Power plant

1 x Fiat A.80 RC.41, 1000 hp


Max. 430 km/h

Ceiling, (maximum)

8,300 meters


550 km


2 × 12.7 mm Breda-SAFAT + 2 × 7.7 mm Breda-SAFAT MGs + 200 kg bomb load


Unguided type: 1 x 100 kg or 2 x 50 kg or 168 x 1 kg anti personnel type


218 aircrafts were in service in Italy, Chile, Iraq, Paraguay, Portugal and Spain