KC-97G Stratofreighter, (or Stratotanker according to unoficcial sources), entered service in 1951 as a capital support for the strategic bomber force attached to the USAF Stategic Air Command (SAC). Twenty tankers were assigned to each wing of B-47 Stratojet strategic bombers. They had a “Flying Boom” pumping station under the tail to transfer the fuel. It carried up to 56,750 liters of jet fuel for aerial refueling missions and also maintained its cargo capacity of up to 96 equipped soldiers or 69 stretchers for transport missions. Although it was a plane much appreciated by their crews, began to withdraw from the first line from 1956 in favor of the more capable KC-135 Stratotanker jet aircraft, but they remained in service until 1978 with the Tactical Air Command, Air Force Reserve and National Air Guard units all over the country.
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