AGM-53A CONDOR (project)

The AGM-53A Condor was an air-to-surface missile that did not enter service. Although its development was practically finished, the high cost, once again, ruined this powerful weapon. It all began in 1962, when the US Navy requested a long-range, high-precision air-to-surface missile for their carrier attack aircraft. In 1966, Rockwell was responsible for the development and decided to install a Rocketdyne Mod.70 solid fuel engine inside a fuselage endowed with 4 delta wings in the middle section and 4 rear small wings. It had a TV guidance system, with an advanced data link that sent images to the launcher pilot, so he could manually directs the missile towards its target. Another way to launch was to “lock” the missile and connect the missile’s search capability to the marked aiming point by the launcher. AGM-53A Condor missile could carry a W-73 nuclear warhead or a 286kg conventional HE warhead.

AGM-53A CONDOR gallery and more info


Additional information

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

United States




Air-to-surface missile


From 1966 to 1976

Missile/bomb dimensions, (length x diameter)

4.22 x 0.43 meters

Missile/bomb weight

950 kg

Missile speed

Mach 2.9 (3,552 km/h)

Missile range

110 km

Guidance system


Warhead, (explosive charge)

Weight: 286 kg – Type: HE linear shaped charge or W-73 nuclear