A-350 / ABM-1 “GALOSH”

In November 1964, during the Military Parade in Moscow, a huge missile transported by a new MAZ-543 truck was seen for the first time, which aroused great interest in Western agencies. It was the A-350 GRAU 5V61 or ABM-1 Galosh, (according to the NATO designation),anti-ballistic missile (ABM). This missile is the main component of the A-35 anti-ballistic missile system and is composed by “Pill Box” and “Hen House” early warning radars of 6,000 km range, “Dog House” and “Cat House” acquisition radars of 2,800 km range, “Try Add” tracking radar and the ABM-1 Galosh missile launchers. Sixty four launchers were deployed in eight sites with 4 main radar complex around Moscow district. According to the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, the two superpowers limited the total number to two ABM complexes with a maximum of 100 missiles each. The missile was a semi-active radar guidance type with 350km of maximum range, and the warhead was the A-350 high yielding thermonuclear of 2 or 3 Mt . The A-350 system received several improvements during the 70s, giving rise to the A-350R (ABM-1B) variant in 1974. This last variant was operational in 1978 and incorporated the new A-35M missile.

A-350 / ABM-1 GALOSH gallery and more info


Información adicional

Ficha Completa
Country of origin

Soviet Union


NIIRP – TsNPO Vympel


Surface-to-air anti ballistic missile

Entered service


Missile/bomb dimensions, (length x diameter)

19.80 x 2.57 meters

Missile/bomb weight

32,700 kg

Missile speed

Mach 4 (4,900 km/h)

Missile range

350 km – 120,000 meters ceiling

Guidance system

Radar command

Warhead, (explosive charge)

Type: A.350 nuclear

Yield, (maximum)

2 to 3 Megatons
