

A Panther G heavy tank covers the rapid advance of a well-camouflaged tank destroyer in a modern display. The work developed both by Museums and private entities in the conservation of Historic Vehicles is essential to be able to continue enjoying images like this one.
A TPz-1 A4 Fuchs APC followed by SpPz-2 Luchs scout vehicle in a maneuvers of the Bundeswehr. The mobility of the wheeled armored vehicles allows rapid advances in depth to the infantry units.
A TPz-1 A4 Fuchs surpasses a Marder 1A1 from a Panzergrenadier company of the Bundeswehr that is waiting for new orders to continue its mission within the maneuvers.
A SpPz-2 A2 Luchs and a Leopard 1A5 from a reconnaissance unit share information about the mission to be developed. Currently, scouting tends to be carried out by light and highly mobile armored vehicles instead of tanks or heavy vehicles.
Column of a Bundeswehr Pioneerpanzer company composed of a PiPz M-48A2C Keiler mine clearing vehicle, followed by PiPz-2 Dachs engineer vehicle and a BrPz-1 Biber bridge layer vehicle crossing a village on the way to maneuvers in the 90s.
The Bundeswehr has modern armoured vehicles to penetrate forcefully into enemy defenses. Here are two Marder 1A3 IFV leading a Leopard 2A6 and a Leopard 2A5 KWS.II MBTs in some ILÜ maneuvers.
A Marder 1A3 of a German Panzergrenadier Bon. accompanied in the attack by one Leopard 2A6 and two Leopard 2A5 KWS.II, in the background.
Once the target is set, the tank platoon fires, to leave the position immediately afterwards and thus avoid enemy defensive fire. A Marder 1A3 is ahead of the unit, composed this time by a Leopard 2A6 and three Leopard 2A5 KWS.II.
A BgPz-3 Buffel ARV of the Bundeswehr rescues a Leopard 2A5 KWS.II MBT from the battlefield during a maneuver. The support in combat is vital for the vanguard units, and the Buffel arv allows the recovery of the damaged tanks without their crew having to go outside.
This image shows a formation of British tanks during a workout. The formation is led by two A-10 Cruiser Mk.II cruiser tanks followed by a Valentine Mk.II infantry tank and two A-12 Matilda II infantry tanks. These three models made up the backbone of British armored forces at the beginning of WWII.
Formation of vehicles framed within the Royal Artillery in the early 70s composed by a Ferret Mk.I Scout Car, followed by a FV-432 Trojan battery command post, three 105mm FV-433 Abbot self propelled howitzers and three FV-623 Stalwart Mk.2 Limber ammunition supply vehicles.
Maintenance tasks and repairs on the battlefield are operations that should not be neglected as much as possible. This image shows a FV-624 Stalwart Mk.2 REME fitter vehicle making an engine change in a FV-103 Spartan during an exercise carried out in the 70’s by the British Army.
In the early 70’s the Alvis company designed and built a family of light armored vehicles that could cover almost any type of mission to be developed by the Infantry of the Royal Army. In this image we can see a FV-105 Sultan followed by a FV-104 Samaritan and a section of FV-107 Scimitar.
Curious image, in which the first models of tanks incorporated to the US Army at the beginning of the 20th century can be observed. On the left the British heavy tank Mk.V Female, in the center a little further away the strange Ford 3 TON M.1918 tankette and on the right the Renault FT, which would finally be manufactured under license in the USA.
Spectacular image of the 1st Armored Division in the interwar period. The formation is headed by M-2 medium tanks, followed by M-2A2 light tanks and M-1 light tanks.
In the early 80’s the Bradley IFV came into service, mainly destined to transport the infantry in the advances led by tanks. Since then it has become an essential vehicle within the US Army. This image shows an M-2 Bradley next to an M-1 Abrams MBT in maneuvers.
At the end of the 80s the Bradley IFV and CFV variants were reinforced and improved in different areas including the assembly of reactive armor and a more powerful engine giving rise to the M-2A2 and M-3A2 variants. Here we see an M-2A2 Bradley with an M-1A1 Abrams MBT in Europe.
The M-3 Bradley CFV is the specific variant for cavalry’s scout units, carries more ammunition at the expense of carrying only 2 passengers instead of 6 in the M-2 Bradley IFV. This image shows an M-3 Bradley CFV along with two M-1A1 Abrams MBTs during military exercises.
An M-3A2 ODS stops next to an M-A1HA Abrams in a break during some exercises in Europe. The constant training allows the units to take advantage of the capacities of materials placed at their disposal and to be able to carry out complicated deployments in the shortest time possible when the time comes.
The combat units also have numerous support vehicles that allow them to continue in the fight and go replenishing damaged materials. In this image we see the deployment of an US Marine´s M-992 FAASV ammunition supply vehicle followed by a M-578 recovery vehicle during Operation Desert Storm.
The firepower of the US Armed Forces allows them to reduce the enemy’s resistance so that the infantry meets with very diminished forces, as happened in the Gulf Wars of 1991 and 2003. First the aviation and the cruise missiles, followed by the artillery and Attack helicopters often leave the path quite clear for ground troops.
Canada, despite being a country scarcely exposed to the dangers of a war, has always participated in solidarity in the great conflicts of the West. Active member of NATO has always contributed to the defense of Europe during the Cold War. The image shows a Leopard 1 MBT along with a M-113 during some exercises carried out in Germany.
During WWII, Canada developed some models of medium tanks such as the Ram I, which appears here with an M-3 Lee. The Ram I was only used for training of crews in the UK, although some derivative vehicles, such as the Kangaroo personnel carrier, fought in Europe with great success.
The Warsaw Pact carried out spectacular multinational military exercises to improve operability among the member countries. Here we see a pair of Czechoslovak Mi-24D Hind-D flying over 122mm VM-70 multiple rocket launchers battery. The VM-70 system are basically BM-21 rocket launchers mounted over Tatra 815 truck chassis.
Engineers are essential for the rapid movement of any ground military force and must have specific vehicles to crossing rivers and waterways among others. On this occasion, Israeli Engineers transport a section of armored vehicles composed of three M-113 armored personnel carriers and one Centurion MBT.

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