The US Marine Corps was the main user of the M-67, which were upgraded to the M-67E2 variant, (on the image), when the M-48A3 version appeared in 1963. The US Army also received 34 units, which totaled 108 M-67 built in their three variants.The nickname “Zippo” was used in honor of a well-known brand of cigarette lighters. The M-67 carried more than 1,500 liters of high-density flammable liquid and was deployed in the Vietnam War with frightening results on the enemy.This is the M-67A1 variant with the new M7A1-6 pressure and fuel system that maintained the same M6 flamethrower gun. The T7 turret was mounted on a M-48A2 chassis, with a total weight of 48.6 tons. This new variant carried 1,438 liters of flammable liquid.