These submarines had eight 533mm torpedo tubes with 20 Type 53-65K and SAET-65 torpedoes. The first were propelled by a turbine, had a range up to 22km and reached up to 70 knots of speed. The SAET-65 were electric propelled and had a range of 13km. Both torpedoes could be launched from depths of 300 meters.Fourteen submarines were built, one Project 627 type, twelve Project 627A type and one Project 645 type. The K-27 belonged to Project 645 type, which had many differences respect to their sisters, carrying a pair of liquid metal cooled VT-1 reactors in place of two water-cooled reactors VM-A 70 MW.November class had electronic sensors such as: “Nakat-M” radar reconnaissance, “Prizma” detection radar for surface targets and torpedo control, “Luch” sonar system for detection of underwater obstacle, “Arktika-M” sonar system for target detection, “MG-10” or “Mars-16KP” hydrophone station and “Svet” hydroacoustic signals detection and underwater communication sonar system.