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M-728 CEV gallery

This is the T118E1 prototype, which would be approved for serial production as M-728 CEV. The specific Engineers equipments from the T118 experimental model were used, as the 165mm demolition gun, the A frame boom, the dozer blade and the winch. Finally,all these elements were coupled on the turret and the hull of a M-60A1 tank, resulting in the vehicle that would enter service.
The M-728 CEV mounts a 165mm M-135 gun, which is a copy of the British L9A1 gun, manufactured under license in the United States. Initially a 165mm M-57 gun was going to be installed, but due to the numerous troubles that arose, the idea was abandoned in benefit of the M-135 gun.
This image shows the retractable “A” frame boom folded backwards from the turret, and just below the commander’s cupola is the 11,500 kg capacity winch. The engine was the Continental AVDS-1790-2A which developed 750 hp and was coupled to an Allison CD850-6A cross drive transmission.
M-728 CEV was widely used by the US Army and the Marines during the 1991 Gul War. The 165mm M-135 gun fired a 29 kg HEP (high explosive plastic) type M-123 shell, highly effective against bunkers and buildings.
The 1991 Gulf War was the test of fire for M-728 CEV and some vehicles carried mine clearing rakes to raise the dreaded Iraqi minefields, a mission that they carried out quite effectively, opening safe corridors for the rest of vanguard vehicles.
Unfortunately, the 1991 Gulf War also served to highlight the lack of mobility of the M-728 CEV with respect to the new M-1A1 Abrams tanks, which they could not follow in their raided advance through the sands of the Kuwait Desert. The commanders chose to use the M-728 only to open paths through the Iraqi’s obstacles at the beginning of operations, to then leave them in the rear.
Currently this vehicle still in service in the United States with Army Reserve units, the National Guard, the FBI and ATF agencies. Sadly, it became World famous during the failed Waco Siege against the Branch Davidians in 1993, Texas. In addition, remains in service in Saudi Arabia (15), Singapore (8), Morocco (6) and Oman (3).

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