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HAYABUSA class gallery

(Shiritaka ship). Hayabusa class is composed by: Hayabusa, Kumutaka, Otaka, Shiritaka, Umitaka and Wakataka ships. They were built after the Noto Peninsula incident in 1999, when two alleged North Korean spy vessels passed themselves off as Japanese fishing boats and entered Japanese waters. Unfortunately, the reaction of the JMSDF was not as efficient as expected due to the lack of adequate vessels.
(Umitaka ship). Hayabusa patrollers have 3 gas turbines engines that develop more than 16,000 shp, which for a ship of only 240 tons of displacement, is a gigantic power, allowing them to reach a speed of 44 knots (81 km/h).
(Wakataka ship). The main armament is composed by four Type-90 SSM-1B anti-ship missiles of Japanese manufacture. These missiles are built by Mitsubishi since 1992 and are a naval variant of the Type-88 SSM-1 coastal defense missile. The missile has a range of 150km and carries a 225kg high explosive warhead.
(Wakataka ship). The armament is completed with a 76mm Otobreda Super Rapid gun and two 12.7mm machine guns. These ships can exclusively carry out anti-ship missions, coastal waters control and surveillance of maritime traffic. It also has a sophisticated OYQ-8B Tactical Data Processing System that allows them to share information with allied aircrafts and ships.

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