This is the first “FV.601 (A)” prototype presented in 1948 by Alvis Ltd. It is a life-size mock-up with the 2 pdr. (40mm) gun as main armament.The 1954 FV.601 (B) model was practically identical to the model selected, mounting the 76mm gun, coaxial machine gun and 6 smoke grenade dischargers on each side of the turret.In this FV.601 (B) variant, the projected rear driving facilities were removed to improve access to the engine compartment and to facilitate the work within the turret to the two crew members.In the FV.601 (B) variant it was possible to store eight full 76mm shells and extra machine gun ammunition when the rear driving facilities of the original project were removed.After several years of delays due to design changes, especially inside the turret, and priorities for other vehicles within the British Army, in 1958 the “FV.601 (C)” or “Saladin Mk.2” was finally presented.From the first design studies to the commissioning of the first Saladin Mk.2 almost 13 years passed. However, the design was not outdated as in many other occasions, this indicates the bonomy of the entire project.The internal layout of Saladin Mk.2 is the same as the tanks. Driver’s position on the front of the hull, combat compartment and turret in the center, and engine compartment on the rear of the hull.The 76mm gun was designed specifically for Saladin Mk.2 and uses mainly HESH rounds against hard targets, High Explosive (HE) rounds, and canister rounds. The canister ammunition spread 780 steel pellets for short distance combat against infantry.This modified Saladin Mk.2 carries two Swingfire ready-to-fire antitank missile launchers and two other reloading missiles on top of the rear wheelguards. This assembly was suitable for long-distance anti-tank fighting.Saladin Mk.2 was exported to many countries, including Germany, Australia, Portugal and more than 20 countries in Africa and the Middle East. They took part in Oman’s civil war from 1972 to 1976, often with British crews.SaladinMk.2 armoured car can cross water courses up to 2 meters deep without preparation, which is suitable for landing missions, as seen in this image.Until 1972, when production ceased, almost 1,200 Saladin Mk.2 had been manufactured, 60 of which were purchased by Kuwait, which used them against the Iraqi army in 1990. These light vehicles were able to destroy several Iraqi T-55 MBTs in Kuwait city, (not this image). The Australian Army assembled the turrets of their retired Saladin Mk.2 on M.113A1 APCs, giving rise to a new Fire Support Vehicle, greatly enhanced its firepower and combat capabilities.Despite its 50 years of service, the Indonesian Army approved in 2016 a modernization package for their Saladin Mk.2. These works will be carried out by the State company Pindad to extend its useful life a few more years, (not this image).The British Army maintained their Saladin Mk.2 in the first line until 1973 when they began to be relegated by the FV.101 Scorpion light tank. Scorpion carries a modernized version of the same 76mm gun.Germany purchased almost 100 FV.601D Saladin for internal security tasks. They were attached to the Bundesgrenzschutz, or Border Police, and 72 were sold to Honduras in 1984, (not this image).