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F-4G WILD WEASEL V gallery

The F-4G Wild Weasel V was developed after confirming the imminent withdrawal of the F-105G (Wild Weasel III). In addition, the losses of Israeli Aviation during Yom Kippur War at the hands of the Soviet SA-2 Guideline SAM missile, caused alarm within the US Military and accelerated the development. Finally the F-4G entered service during 1978 with three Wings stationed in the United States, West Germany and Philippines.
After few combat exits it was found that the most effective use of Wild Weasel V was done in combination with other aircraft such as the EC-130H Compass Call and EF-111A Raven. The F-4G was in charge of destroying the targets while the EF-111A jamming the enemy radars and the EC-130H caused interference in enemy communications. Attack aircraft and Wild Weasels were usually combined, in which the latter provide “electronic coverage” so that enemies can not use their ECMs.
The first “Wild Weasel” type mission was carried out on December 20, 1965 near Hanoi. This tactic began to be used as a result of the massive appearance of Soviet SAM missiles in North Vietnam and the worrying number of destroyed American aircrafts. The crew of the “Wild Weasel” aircraft was formed by the pilot and the Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO), who was in charge of the electronic equipment and the location of enemy threats and their neutralization.
During Operation Desert Storm, 24 F-4Gs were deployed at Bahrain, which carry out a large number of missions. Some of them within the “Operation Instant Thunder”, which was the first aerial attack launched over Iraq.  The purpose was destroying the biggest number of Iraq’s air defense components and clear the way for the Allied air campaign.
After Operation Desert Storm, the Kurds had revolted in Northern Iraq against Saddam Hussein in April 1991. Then, the F-4G participated in Operation Provide Comfort, which was performed to protect the Kurds in their escape to the Turkish border. Later, in July 1991, Operation Provide Comfort II began with the same objectives as the previous one. This operation was extended until the end of 1996, and during the same, in mid-January 1993, several F-4G destroyed some Iraqi radar installations.
The last deployment of F-4G Wild Weasel V in a real operation was in the framework of Operation Southern Watch. This campaign lasted from August 1992 to April 2003 and consisted of controlling the airspace south of the 32nd Parallel. On June 29, 1993, an F-4G destroyed an Iraqi radar, which was probably the last combat action of these aircrafts before its withdrawal in 1996.

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